Traditional Tai Chi learning program consists of two parts: the Large Frame Form or Large Circle Form and the Small Circle or Small Frame Form.
The Large Circle Form teaches large leg movements to strengthen the lower body. It also introduces students to Tai Chi movements. This is the Form most learn.
Small Circle Tai Chi Form was reserved for selected students chosen to be important members of master’s martial art franchise. These were usually heirs to the franchise.
This system faded out after firearms became available in China. The Tai Chi franchises lost their major income source- security protection services. The main mission is now in teaching and the martial arts’ health benefits.
Small Circle Tai Chi is now seldom taught simply because it requires extra effort on the part of the teaching master when there are no video tools to help remember the details of the form. This is unfortunate because Small Circle Form gives most of the Tai Chi health benefits.
This Form’s emphasis on internal movements and internal power allows you to achieve an old Tai Chi saying “Live Forever in the Spring Season of Your Life”.
The Forms stimulate the body’s internal organs, blood flow, lymphatic circulation and Qi.
Since Small Circle Tai Chi is not known to most people, I am using this course to give an overview of it.
Master Stephen Hwa
This course is taught by Master Stephen Hwa who is passionate about helping students improve their skills and achieve their goals.
He offers a supportive and welcoming environment where you can learn at your own pace and ask questions whenever you need help.
Questions can be asked on a WhatsApp group exclusively for course attendees.
Origin and History of Small Circle Tai Chi
Master Stephen Hwa discusses the origin and history of the Small Circle Tai Chi Form taught in this online school.
Method of Teaching to Beginners
How movements are taught, and their purpose is discussed here.
Examples of Internal Movements and its Power
This section gives examples of World-Class athletes using Internal Movements.
How to generate power to win the game is reviewed.
Using these moves indicates Internal Movements are the best moves for generating power from human body.
How Small Circle Tai Chi teaches these moves is examined.
The Principle of Achieving Martial Art with Body Health
In Small Circle Tai Chi, every movement in the form is designed to satisfy both martial art application and body health benefits.
Master Hwa uses the Tai Chi Walk to demonstrate the application of this principle.
Structure and Logic of Martial Art Aspects of Tai Chi
Small Circle Tai Chi's structure is based on certain objectives.
The logical consequences of these objectives determine the unique characteristics of Small Circle Tai Chi.
Why Small Circle Tai Chi Looks So Different from Other Martial Arts
The differences are explained in detail based on the unique characteristics of Small Circle Tai Chi.
Curriculum for
An In Depth Look at What is Small Circle Tai Chi
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